Millie Darnell-Hayes

My story is about their first experience in the snow after moving to Thamesmead from Nigeria in December 2008. They talk about how they were amazed by how excited everyone was, considering they had seen snow before. They highlighted how there was a huge sense of community within Thamesmead, not only during this experience. They also mentioned the Charlton Athletic Football Club and the annual football tournament.

Within my piece I wanted to explore the theme of snow as it stood out to me the most. I also wanted to explore the sense of community, which I thought I could do through the football motif (made from felt) and by stitching footprints in the snow – representing everyone being out and experiencing it together.

My final frame was a collection of the Thamesmead housing, created with applique and hand embroidered windows, beaded snowmen and a snowball fight between two people, and a hill in the background with the footprints on to represent the community coming out together in the snow.

Follow the link to Ibrahim’s story

This story can be seen here:
My first home by Ibrahim Laniyan


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