This is a response to Kerry’s story “Adventures with JD Swann”. I was initially quite nervous about taking part in this project. I put a deep kind of responsibility on myself to make sure that I interpreted the story in the right way so that the storyteller could connect with the embroidered version of their story.
I found listening to Kerry’s story really enjoyable as not only was the context interesting, but so was the way she told her story. The embroidery is a collection of varying aspects of the walks mentioned in Kerry’s story, with a few added extras I found whilst researching the area/walks. Some key points that resonated with me were the mention of specific animals (blue tit and water vole), JD Swann himself, and a phrase Kerry remembers speaking to JD Swann “what’s the difference between a crow and a raven?”. I feel incredibly lucky to have played a part in this project and have thoroughly enjoyed every aspect of it.
Follow the link to J D Swann’s story
I would like to know where these walks are?